Eldorado Bible Club
Eldorado Backyard Bible Club was founded by Melony Roche and Joe McGee, who is the pastor at the First Presbyterian Church, Eldorado, TX. This weekly Bible club began as a satellite location of House of Faith (taking Jesus to neighborhood children, youth and families). House of Faith is a neighborhood based non-denominational organization that targets children in their own neighborhoods rather than wait for the children and youth to become involved in church or youth group. Simply, take Jesus to them. They meet every Thursday afternoon during the school year and have had tremendous success reaching young children ages 4-11 with the love of Jesus Christ through Bible lessons, scripture memory games, Bible trivia, scripture songs, and Christian based activities. Average attendance was around 80 children every Thursday afternoon. Through the course of the year Jim & Melony were able to involve the leadership from five different churches in this inter-denominational youth ministry. This was the first of its kind in Eldorado’s history. In September 2013, Jim & Melony turned the reigns of leadership over to the local pastors and now volunteer as often as possible. It has since become known as Eldorado Bible Club. It is led by a number of local volunteers and is thriving.